martes, 13 de marzo de 2007

International Table Tennis Championships

After living in the same country and the same city as other brisbanites for a few months We finally managed to catch up with each other. A cab ride into La Candelaria from La Calleja takes a little while but a good chat with the driver and even getting to see some of the damage caused in the weekends riots spices the journey up somewhat.
The riots were because Mr. Monkey Boy Bush decided to grace the City with his pleasance for 6 hours. So that nothing bad happened, the government decided to ban alcohol for the weekend, shut the airport, close some roads and generally make a nuicance of themselves. This worked brilliantly as people stil got drunk, still got angry and still broke some stuff to express themselves.
So finally getting there, asking a few police to direct me to where the hell I was meant to be. I finally got to have a chat with a couple of folks from my English course. They seem to be having a ball here and after a few drinks we popped up to a hostel for a few games of table tennis. Of course we got to play with the locals, A nice fellow from Ethspanya an Italiano and of course the Colombian who was in charge. Generally a nice time had by all, stories told and home nice and early (1:30 am). I even managed to get up in time for Uni.

La primera clase fui aburrido pero creo no fui la culpa del Profe. Hoy Mucha gente no llegado a clase.

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