miércoles, 11 de abril de 2007

el chino

So We are in class right ....

The group in the class is from almost the entire planet (ni falta una continente) and this morning we are discussing the kitchen, food and fruit. Imagine the joy of getting up nice and early to talk about such things, everyone was wrapped !.

We are dicussing what fruit we liked when we were children. (imperfect past tense utilising reflexive pronouns, ooohhh)

Jenifer, our resident gringa states that "cuando era pequeño me gustaba duranzo".

Jiao Meng asks politely what that all means ...

Jacob, a Dutch guy whom for whatever reason loves english to the extent that he can't help but translate spanish to english at any oppertunity blurts (cue slight dutch accent)" When she was little she liked peach".

JiaoMeng's blank stare informs our netherlandian that not everyone is quite so au fait with english.

Our teacher, ever facilitory trots over to the computer, opens google .... waits for the page to load .... looks for a picture of a "duranzo" ... waits ... finds a picture .... clicks on it ... gestures for jiaomeng to come look

"This, this is a duranzo" he explains (in spanish of course).
He looks at jiaomeng, who looks at him:
then looks at the picture,
studies it carefully and says in perfect english...

"oh, a peACH !".

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Hermano! Long time no hablar :'( Now, did el chino say: "peACH" as in "bi-atch"? If so, that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard!