domingo, 29 de abril de 2007

feria del libro

I went to a book fair.
Now don't get me wrong, I love a good book, Hell I even love a bad book if the pictures are graphic enough. Nevertheless 10 or more warehouses stuffed full of books and small children are not what I would generally get out of bed early for. The book fair is a fairly fair affair. All of the books are for sale, and the public have to pay for the priviledge of being able to purchase these books. I for one felt like I was in a garage sale that had been left in the sun, festering and growing as if in a forgotten lunchbox.
Not the best use of a half day I have ever had, the afternoon was an improvement though, I slept.

You would all be pleased to know that somethings do not change. I lost my keys the other day, of course after discussing the benefits of clipping them to the inside of my bag (which I then didn't do).

The word for this week is recelar (v): to suspect, to fear that, distrust. Apt given that the police checked my ID. twice these week, there is definately a little 'recelar' in the air.

I have had a cold this week so I am a little too tired to write anything witty, should be over it soon though.

Este noche los calles de Bogotá son tranquillo. Me parece que las iglesias tenien un gran effecto sobre la gente de Colombia, la lunes proxima también. Voy a dormir contento sin los problemas de una vida dura.

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