domingo, 27 de mayo de 2007

The magic of cinema

You know, there is something about the cinema. Perhaps it's a conditioning from childhood, but the cinema strips away all time, all space, everything but you and the story.
Now that might sound obvious, but the full affects of this are not really apparent to until the things that are stripped from you have some weight. Cinemas all around the world are basically the same, the look the same, sound the same and serve the same purpose. Whilst in the cinema I am no longer in Colombia, I am no longer anywhere. I have nowhere to be, nothing to do. I simply float on my relationship with the screen.
Having all of everything stripped away for an hour is a weightlessness not unlike floating on the sea.

The beatiful thing is when it all comes flooding back, and it all just makes you smile.

2 comentarios:

sumin dijo...

tú no estabas viendo la película...cierto? jaja. mentira...pero de todas formas, me parece muy bonito que estabas pensando de estar en un mundo diferente(o idéntico) que está convergiendo de todo el mundo. yo todavía me acuerdo el primer día cuando fuí al cine en Colombia...yo estaba tan emocionada que no podía parar a decir a mi amiga...QUE BUENO...QUE EMOCIÓN...tal vez yo sentí ese día en el cine que yo estaba en el otro mundo o en el mismo mundo que existía en Corea. :)

Unknown dijo...

If it's available in one format or another I recommend you see Das Leben Der Anderlen (The Lives of Others). Preferably with spanish or english subtitles lla? lla, das ist gut ;)