viernes, 8 de junio de 2007

Take the bus to summer

Well, finished that part of the spanish course, marked down for not getting along with the teachers well enough. I am not what they think they are doing, but it wasn't the most interesting nor organised manner in which to present the material. The next one should hopefully be a bit better, or at least hold my interest.
At the end of it all I was just too frustrated to really care. I did at least say something though.
The other night I saw something on a show called Penn & Teller that I found interesting. Penn & Teller is an American show (there is very little else here) and they quite incidentally explained the story of Adam and Eve from the Christian Bible.
In this explaination the Apple that the little serpent was vending is representative of sex and the ability to reproduce, an ability that up until this time only his God-ship was weilding. Therefore it was the discovery of sex that had Adam and Eve booted out of their earthly Valhalla.
I had always thought that the apple represented the idea of wealth, passion and possessions, and the accompanying sentiments of guilt, shame and fear. I figured that "the indivisible oneness of the holy trinity" gave Adam and Eve the oppertunity to live with these feelings, with the hope that they would give up the nice ones to rid the world the bad ones, giving them their own kids in the hope they would truley understand how he feels. This didn't happen and the old guys still hanging out patiently to see if one day we will sort it out.
I had never thought of this story as a reason to stop people from having sex. Churches are full of twisted sadistic people, I guess they have to be to balance out the really nice people who pay them.

Anyway I am catching a bus to summer in Santa Marta. Should be fun. Cuidad Perdida and all that . woo.

At the same time I know that I will be looking forward to being back here. Life is funny like that.

3 comentarios:

sumin dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
sumin dijo...

Hola! Cómo es el clima de Santa Marta? Bogotá hace muy buen clima estos días...sol y viento al mismo tiempo!!!

sumin dijo...

uhm....lo siento por dejar el primer comentario borrado...yo quería cambiar algunas palabras y no tenía ninguna idea como pudo hacer....